Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday Greetings Class 220!
Today is March 24, 2020.


Mattia's TimesTables.com
Progress Chart
I have been able to see some of your progress and academic efforts through some of the online-based experiences - Lexia, StoryBoard That, TimesTables.com, Prodigy and Sumdog. However, it's impossible for me to see any of your paperwork efforts 😔. That said, if you want to take a picture of any of your work, I'd love to see it. Then, send it to me through email. Maybe it's a Nature Observation Journal entry, or a Reading Response letter, or a story you are writing. Anything, really! For now, I'll stick to posting images of online-based work.
Morgan's StoryBoard (Monkey of course...)

Bran learning to pogo
Many of you are probably finding more time to explore beyond the "academic" side of things. Maybe you created an elaborate Lego space ship model, or painted something beautiful, or discovered a new place in Minecraft, or learned to hula-hoop, or found a cool rock, or choreographed a new tik tok dance 😲. Whatever you find yourself doing, feel free to share your discoveries and efforts. Here is a glimpse of some of the newer "Beyond Academics Shares" of Class 220 members:

More Origami From Will

Levi's Trapezoid Art

Coleman creating a "homeschool
decision making dice."
Pretty soon, we may be seeing each other...through video conferencing! Please check out an email I sent regarding Video Conference Permission.

Yesterday's Class 220 Blog post featured an all-time great story - "The Empty Pot." This story has a strong moral lesson. Did you discover the same? Here are some other thinking questions related to the story you should think about:
Image result for the empty pot book demi1. Why do you think the king set up this contest? 
2. How do you suppose Ping felt when he brought an empty pot? 
3. How did the king feel about Ping and about the other children? 
4. I wonder how things might have been different if the kingdom had been a truly open community where everyone shared experiences with others. 
5. How do you feel about the king's deception? 
6. Have there been times when you were tempted to be dishonest in order to look better to others? 

Inge Winters, better known as "Ms. Winters," our recent Guest Teacher for Art at UES, is a Yoga instructor and is hosting a free opportunity for kids. I am sharing her invitation here:
Hello UES Family,
Image result for grateful yoga montpelier
I hope you are all doing well and finding peace during your time at home with your families.  I wanted to let you all know that I will be going live on the Grateful Yoga Facebook and Instagram pages for a free, live, youth yoga session on Wednesday, March 25th at 11:00 a.m.  

The class will be approximately 30 minutes, and if it is well received, I will continue to do more of these sessions.  I thought you might want to share with your families, who may be looking for something to fill their long days at home!  If so, you can let them know to:

Follow Grateful Yoga on Facebook or Instagram @gratefulyogavt for Youth Yoga live at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 25th. 




Be Safe,
Mr. M

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