Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday Greetings Class 220!
Today is March 20th, 2020.

Let's stay connected! Click on this link:

During this school closure time, I know you are all doing the best you can with keeping up on "school work." It certainly isn't the same as being at UES, but even if you are simply reading everyday, that's good. Some of you are likely doing more, too - like the reading, writing and math packets. I have even seen that some of you are working on Lexia. Congratulations to Levi and Graham for "leveling up" while they have been home. I've even seen that Roman and Will have tried out "Storyboard That," to practice digital storytelling. Keep it going! Rheya has even gone as far as replacing me with her new "home school" teacher, Mrs. Corona Virus. Rheya says she is not as fun as I am (thanks for the compliment!), but she's better than nothing.

If you did not see yesterday's Class 220 Blog Post, just scroll down. In it you will see the Class 220 storyboard I created. I'll tell you on Monday who is who, so in the meantime, try making your best guess. As you can see, I've made another storyboard to inspire you. This one is more of a "story," with some writing built into it. It's about a Montpelier resident who wandered past school wondering where all the students were (I guess she didn't pay much attention to the news 😉). Check it out and let it inspire you to create a digital storyboard. Let me know if you need your login information.

Image result for sylvester and the magic pebble bookYesterday, in my blog post, I shared a read aloud video of my favorite book as a 3rd grader, "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble." I hope you liked it, too. Here are a few questions to think about after reading it: 

  • Do you think it was a good thing or a bad thing that Sylvester found the magic pebble? Why?
  • Why do you think Sylvester’s parents put the magic pebble in an iron safe?
  • What would you have done with the magic pebble?
  • Have you ever got into a problem situation, and wished you had a magic way to solve the problem? 
Image result for solve me mobilesAs you know from Math Menu, I value the Tech time that you have with "Solve Me Mobiles." Mathematically, I think they really flex your brain muscles in a meaningful way. So, take some time today (15 minutes) to solve as many as you can, starting with Puzzle #1. Here is the link, in case you forgot: 

For now, we can stay connected this way. I hope that moving forward through school closure, we can stay connected in other ways, too. Maybe soon we can video chat so I can see you and we can talk about things you have been doing or questions you have for me. Until then, take care and keep on!

                                                                                       Be Safe,
                                                                                       Mr. M

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